Archive for ‘Introduction’

December 4, 2009


I have been working on this new blog idea for sometime and decided to collect my recipes and then build up my photo arsenal before really published the blog. I’m almost there so decided to start a blog account and familarize myself with all the new information! Anyone know how to change the font on the header? Where does everyone get the fancy headers? Are they just computer geniuses, do they hire people, are they graphic artists or what?!?!? I would love suggestions you all can give… 🙂

Anyway, I am passionate about cooking and learning about food. Had I figured this out earlier in my life I likely would have gone to school to become a chef…but instead I’m self-taught and hoping to really open up my creative culinary side and challenge myself with this blog.  Maybe push myself a little further with culinary creativity and knowledge. I am really resist to the pre-prepared food movement that seems to be happening in this country. I strive to learn how to make things from scratch rather than use the shortcuts of commercial food products. That doesn’t mean I won’t and don’t use the standard can of cream of mushroom soup or that box of rice or pasta concoction, I just resist it as much as possible and try to create my own where I can. Of course as a single mom working full time I have to give in to the convenience of commerical foods at times. I do try to steer clear of preservatives, high sodium, high fructose corn syrup products or any other products which your body really has to put effort into breaking down…I try to eat whole fruits and veggies and natural products where possible. While I haven’t perfected this goal completely, I hope knowing others might be reading this blog will make me more conscious of that fact when I shopping.

I hope those of you reading take away at least one thing that is of use to you from this blog!  Thanks for reading and please leave some comments and suggestions of things you’d like to see!